About the 研究生 Program

The graduate program in Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences provides for scholarly study in Health and Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology and 人类的表现.  Each area of emphasis contains a blend of core and elective courses, 使研究生能够设计他们的学习计划,以满足他们的个人研究和教育目标. These elective courses may be selected from other departments, including but not limited to Biology, 化学, 通信, Education and Psychology.  每个研究生都可以选择综合考试或论文项目作为他们的顶峰经历.  All graduate students are encouraged to include experiential learning, collaborative re搜索, and internships in their program of study. 

Flexible Curriculum

学术课程是单独设计的,以满足学生在各种重点领域的目标和需求. 典型的课程包括健康和运动科学的核心课程,以及生物学的补充课程, 化学, 教育, 或心理学. 

研究 and Experiential Learning



健康与运动科学硕士课程的毕业生已在当地就业, 地区和国家组织或获得全国顶尖博士课程的录取.

Financial Assistance


Assistantships are available in the following areas:

  • Exercise Physiology Lab
  • Cardiovascular Physiology Lab
  • Assisting professors in academic courses/discussion leader
  • Functional Anatomy Lab
  • Muscle Physiology Lab



入学 Requirements

  • 获得认可机构的健康和运动科学相关专业学士学位. (Students holding a bachelor's degree in another subject area will be considered, 但在获得全额录取之前,可能需要完成选定的本科课程.)
  • 至少2.65 GPA (cumulative and Major)
  • 完成统计学课程或涉及数据统计分析的研究导论课程, with a B- or better
  • 3 letters of recommendation

Degree Requirements

Two program options lead to an M.A. in Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences:

Plan A (Thesis Option)

Satisfactorily complete seven courses and a thesis (32 units), with a minimum of five courses plus the thesis being at the graduate level.


Plan B (No Thesis Option)

Satisfactorily complete eight courses (32 units), with a minimum of five courses being at the graduate level.



HLTH 233. Advanced Kinesiology (4)

A graduate seminar which considers the musculoskeletal analysis of human movement, 的姿势, exercise prescription, 和康复. Prerequisite: HLTH 133, graduate standing or permission of the instructor.

HLTH 235. 研究生. Nutrition/Exercise Metabolism (4)

对营养原理的深入研究,因为它们与健康和参加运动或体育活动有关. The course includes calculation of energy needs and expenditures, and the role of carbohydrates, 脂肪, 蛋白质, 维生素, 矿物质, and water in sport and physical activity.

HLTH 247. Advanced Exercise Physiology (4)

对运动的生理反应进行高级研究,重点是实验室方法和程序,以测试和证明这些反应的研究应用. Prerequisites: HLTH 147 or equivalent, and permission of the instructor. 实验费.

HLTH 248. 应用 & Clinical Physiology (4)

本课程旨在学习运动测试的基本原理和高风险的解释, 健康的, and athletic populations. The course is structured to focus on the cardiovascular, 代谢, 肺对有氧运动的反应和对设计训练计划以增强健康的启示, 健身, 和性能. 本课程将作为临床运动科学和运动试验在心脏研究中的应用的基础, 代谢 and respiratory pathology. Prerequisite: HLTH 147.

HLTH 255. Advanced Motor Learning (4)

这门研究生课程探讨了人类运动行为和技能习得研究的信息处理和动力系统方法. Content is theoretically and re搜索 based with a behavioral emphasis. Topics covered will include: variability and motor control; visual control of action; the role of reflexes; task interference; limitations in information processing, effects of stress on performance, and the Schema theory. It is intended to provide students with an advanced understanding of the conceptual, 运动系统和人体运动性能的功能特性及其在教学中的应用, 训练, industrial and therapeutic settings.

HLTH 257. Advanced Clinician in Sports Medicine (4)

本课程将理论与实践相结合,要求学生发展一个研究课题, consistent with an explicitly and narrowly defined area of interest. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

HLTH 259. 专业的预科. In Sport Sciences (4)

课程是专为未来的专业从业者谁希望提供一个有效的, 为不同人群提供有意义的临床或教育经验,并帮助他们通过知识来构思和计划有意义的项目, 在学校和/或实习中建立组织结构以优化项目影响的管理技能, and the creative energy to link the program to opportunities for children and adults. 学生将深入研究教学研究,并将研究基础知识应用于教学和临床专业.

HLTH 261. Advanced Biomechanics of Sport (4)

Advanced study of mechanical principles which influence human movement; both non-cinematographic and cinematographic/videographic techniques are used to analyze and evaluate motor skills and errors in performance; critical evaluation of current re搜索 findings in biomechanics. 前提条件:运动机能学或生物力学本科课程或导师许可. 实验费.

HLTH 265. Advanced Sports 法律 (4)

本课程涉及与运动医学领域专业人员相关的法律问题和责任, 体育运动管理, sport pedagogy and athletics. General legal principles supported by case law in such areas as negligence, 合同法, constitutional law, antitrust laws and unlawful discrimination are offered.

HLTH 272. Advanced Case Analysis in Sport and Fitness Management (4)


HLTH 279. 研究 Methods in Sport Sciences (4)

An in-depth evaluation of the various methods used in the disciplines of the sport sciences, including experimental, 描述性的, qualitative and historical; means of selecting a re搜索 problem and planning its solution; important considerations regarding review of the literature; overview of proper form and style in re搜索 writing. Student must complete a fully developed 研究 Proposal as part of this course. Prerequisites: graduate standing and completion of a course in statistics.

HLTH 291. Independent Study (2-4)
HLTH 293. Special Topics (3, 4)

Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of the instructor.

HLTH 297. Independent 研究 (1-4)
HLTH 299. 论文(4)


研究生 Program Director

Sharon West-Sell, PhD, ATC
电子邮件: swest@eagle1027.com
Office: Main Gym, Second Floor
University of the Pacific