The Master of Public Administration (MPA) and Master of Public 政策 (MPP) degrees offer a wide variety of policy & administration career pathways that gives students the opportunity to start a new career, 改变你的职业, or advance their career in public service.

政策 and 管理职业生涯

政策 design and administration take place in a variety of government, 非政府, and private job sectors, 包括:

  • Federal, state, and local government
  • International government
  • Non-profit and Not-for-Profit organizations
  • 咨询
  • Environment and agriculture
  • 医疗保健
  • 教育
  • 业务
马修·奥尔森,18 MPA

Mathew Olson received a Master of Public Administration from the University of the Pacific McGeorge School of 法律 in 2018. 在这个视频中, he talks about what made McGeorge stand out to him during the application process, the hands-on experience he gained at McGeorge, and the school's professional network.

“McGeorge has a respected name and position in the policy spheres in Sacramento,” Olson said. “The program is really focused on your professional skills. We’re doing projects and assignments that are going to prepare us for the work place.”


Many graduates find jobs or advance their careers within organizations that are most suitable to their policy interests. Organizations that have employed our alumni include:

Government Organizations

  • California Department of Rehabilitation
  • California Department of Justice
  • California Department of Social Services
  • California State Assembly
  • California State Senate
  • 萨克拉门托市
  • 斯托克顿市
  • State Water Resources Control Board

Non-Profit and Not-for-Profit Organizations

  • 基督复临论者健康
  • Physicians for a 健康y California
  • 气候行动储备
  • Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)


  • The Highlands 咨询 Group, LLC
  • 科进咨询公司
  • Sjoberg Evashenk 咨询, Inc.
  • 雪佛龙公司
蕾娜·瑞恩,MPA 20级

Raina Ryan came to Sacramento from the East Coast to earn her Master of Public Administration at McGeorge School of 法律 in 2020 because of the programs home in a law school, and the law school's location in California's capital city. She also discusses how her degree, and McGeorge's alumni network, have helped her career growth.

“The MPA program here at McGeorge is set in a law school and having those law professors and classes available to you is really an advantage,瑞恩说。.


McGeorge MPP and MPA graduates are often employed as:

  • 分析师
  • 经理
  • 董事
  • 高管
  • 咨询顾问
  • 政策主张

Career Development Opportunities

With our experienced faculty and diverse community of organizations seeking public service interns and externs, students can put learned skills to practice. Recent internship and externship placements include:

  • Mayor Darrell Steinberg’s Office Internship Program
  • State Water Resource Control Board
  • California Department of Finance
  • CalRecycle
  • 萨克拉门托市
  • 卢卡斯公共事务
  • Center for 业务 and 政策 研究
  • Physicians for a 健康y California
  • 谷的愿景

Katie Ramsey, '19, graduated from McGeorge School of 法律 with a Master of Public Administration. Her degree has propelled her career forward. She works at Physicians for a 健康y California, where she has built two programs created by statute from the ground up, something she credits her unique McGeorge education that enhanced her MPA with law courses, with giving the ability to do.

“This campus really drew me for all of the networking events and for being part of the service-driven community environment that is here on campus,拉姆齐说. “I network with my teachers and my peers. I use those relationships every single day to help me as well as help others.”


Our expanding alumni network consists of working professionals who serve in all levels of public service within a variety of organizations. Students have the opportunity to connect and build lasting relationships with our McGeorge family who offer a wide range of employment resources.

Jeanelle Gottlob, ’19 MPA
Jeanelle Gottlob, ’19 MPA

"I decided to pursue an MPA with McGeorge because the program stood out from others in that it was embedded within a law school. At the time I made this decision, I was seeking higher education assistance and training to strengthen my abilities to interpret and write policy and regulations for the California Department of Social Services ..."