Your top questions about applying to the DDS program, answered here. 

Q: Are my 牙科 入学 Test (DAT) scores competitive?


  • 平均成绩:22分
  • 知觉能力:21
  • 定量推理:22
  • 阅读理解:22分
  • 生物学:22
  • 普通化学:21
  • 有机化学:22
  • 总科学:21

Competitive scores this year were 22 and higher. If your scores are significantly lower than our class averages (below 20), we recommend retaking the 牙科 入学s Test (DAT). 参加DAT考试没有截止日期, 但在任何给定的录取周期中,不迟于11月提供最终DAT分数的学生将优先被录取. The committee reviews only the most recent DAT scores provided.

For instructions on how to schedule a date for the DAT, please visit the 美国牙科协会(ADA) 网站.

Q: Are there particular courses that would best prepare me for dental school?

答:招生委员会鼓励每个学生与学院或大学的校长顾问一起发展他或她的学习课程. If a school does 不 have a predental advisor, 学生应咨询化学系和生物系的教师,以选择符合校长要求的课程. We recommend you select courses that extend the content of biomedical sciences, 比如解剖学, 组织学, 生物化学, 生理学, 和微生物学.


A:我们许多成功的申请者在过去三年内完成了三个或更多学期的全日制学习. Full-time study is defined as four or more courses per term. 每一学期, 四门课程中的三门应为生物专业认可的总统科学课程. Applicants should achieve a B or better in each course; no D, W, F or I grades. Our incoming class grade point averages (GPA) are 3.总6分,总3分.5科学.

Q: Are there elective courses that would help prepare me to be a good dentist?

A: To develop your doctor/patient relationship skills, 我们推荐一门新闻学课程, 公众演讲, 辩论, 人际关系, 或戏剧.

To prepare you for managing your own business, 我们建议小企业核算, 小企业的市场营销, 消费者行为或经济学课程.

提高你的动手能力, we recommend course work in mechanical drafting/drawing, 首饰制作, 雕刻或陶瓷.

Q: Does Pacific require a secondary 应用程序?

答:没有. 你只需要提交一份 Associated American 牙科 School Application Service (AADSAS) 应用程序. We recommend that you apply as early as June but no later than November. 官方的截止日期是2月初.

Q: How will your 入学s Office 不ify me regarding the status of my 应用程序?

A: To find out the most up-to-date status of your 应用程序,

由我们的行政招生委员会挑选的申请人被邀请到牙科学院进行面试. Invitations for interview are extended by phone and confirmed by email. Most of our interviews are conducted from September through March. 到5月,所有申请人将通过邮件通知他们的申请的最终决定.

Q: What are the selection factors for an interview at Pacific?

A: The 入学s Committee carefully considers each applicant's scholastic record, DAT分数, AADSAS文章, 评估信, 手工灵巧的证据(包括DAT的感知能力部分)和其他个人属性和品质,以及他或她对牙科职业的理解的证明.

符合要求的申请人将被邀请到旧金山的牙科学校与招生委员会的一名或多名成员进行面试. During the interview the applicant's interest in dentistry, 未来的计划, 对成功治疗病人所需的成熟度和其他个人素质进行评估. 除了, applicants will participate in an orientation seminar, meet informally with current dental students and tour the school. 获得入学机会的申请人必须在指定的表现水平上完成计划的课程.



答:没有. Our dental school has one of the largest applicant pools in the country. This year more than 2,700 individuals applied for 140 positions.

不幸的是, 由于班级人数有限,招生委员会不得不拒绝录取许多合格的申请人. 有竞争力的申请人可能需要多次申请才能被邀请参加面试.

Indicating your re-applicant status on your next 应用程序 will negatively impact your admissions status for the new cycle.

问:我的AADSAS状态显示我的申请是“已收到/等待附加信息”.” What does this mean and what are the next steps?

A:为了有一份完整的申请, 我们必须收到以下物品, in addition to the successful submission of your AADSAS应用程序:

  • 最终牙科入学考试(DAT)分数
  • Three Letters of Recommendation (two from science professors, 任选之一)或一封委员会信
  • $75补充申请费
    • We do 不 accept fee waivers for the supplemental fee.
    • Fee门户将在指定的时间关闭 ADEA AADSAS截止日期 每年, so if you do 不 submit your payment to us before that deadline, we will 不 be able to review your 应用程序 for that cycle.

提交申请后,请定期检查电子邮件,以确保所有文件都提交了. If you don’t see emails from us for a while, make sure to check your spam folder.

检查您在AADSAS中的状态. 如果我们丢失了文件,它将说明您正在等待或丢失了额外的信息.



如果您计划在提交申请后重新参加DAT,请务必注明 计划 or 未来 申请表上的日期. Your file will be placed on hold until we receive your new scores.

如果你表示 计划 or 未来 申请表上的日期 and decide later 不 to retake the DAT, please let us know about this change and we will remove the hold on your 应用程序.

请注意,dat必须在每年6月入学周期开始后的一年内进行. Final DATs submitted to us before November 1 will be given priority for review.


A: Make sure that you are submitting two letters from biomedical science professors. Examples of science professors include subjects such as: biology, 化学, 物理, 生物化学, 等. 你的第三封信


至少在提交申请前三个月开始搜索推荐信. 这将给你的写信人充足的时间来构思和提交信件,而不会感到匆忙.


  • 提交前必须由作者亲笔签名(未签名的信件将不被接受).
  • 在理想的情况下, 这封信应该用信笺抬头写, or contain the logo of the organization or school that they work for.
  • Make sure to communicate the ADEA AADSAS letter submission guidelines to them, 所以他们知道会发生什么.
  • 给 them a deadline to submit the letter (allowing them at least a month to write it).
  • 这些信件必须直接提交给AADSAS,申请人不得查看或提交,以保持书面的机密性.

Q: Can I submit additional letters of recommendation?

答:AADSAS将允许您在申请时提交最多四封推荐信. 额外的信件将不被接受.

Q: Does your school accept letters of intent or 应用程序 updates?

A:你可以提交意向书给,但是由于我们每天收到大量的电子邮件,我们无法确认收到您的来信. Application updates will 不 be accepted, unless requested by the Office of 入学s.


答:由于我们收到和审查的申请数量以及招生周期的多事性, we are 不 able to accommodate calls or emails regarding 应用程序 status updates.

Please refer to your AADSAS portal, which will provide your up-to-date status. “已收到/正在审核”状态意味着您的申请已经完成,并且拥有我们审核您的申请所需的一切.

We also recommend checking your email regularly for updates, to ensure all communications are being received. 请检查您的垃圾邮件和垃圾文件夹,以确保我们的电子邮件没有被标记为垃圾邮件.

Q: Are interviews required for an acceptance or alternate position for the program?



答:受邀请的面试是亲自进行的. 被邀请参加面试的候选人将被告知任何虚拟面试日,如果有的话.

Q: My AADSAS status says that my 应用程序 is “Received/Under Review.” What does this mean, and what are the next steps?

A: This means that we have received all necessary materials to review your 应用程序, and we do 不 require anything further at this time. 如果你被选中参加面试, 我们会打电话给你预约的, 但也会通过邮件跟进.

We may email periodic updates throughout the cycle (June-February). 由于询盘量很大, the Office of 入学s can不 offer status updates once you are in review.


A: We are open for tours that are pre-scheduled through the Office of 入学s. Tours are typically conducted Monday-Friday , 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm. 其他时间可以根据需要安排. 请与Erika Giannini联系 or 安排旅行.

来访者必须完全接种疫苗(加强接种),并在诊所楼层使用口罩(外科口罩或N95). 请至少提前一周预订,以便我们为您找到导游并为您安排最好的行程.

Q: I have questions about applying or prerequisites for admission. Can I schedule time to meet with an 入学s Coordinator?

答:是的,我们为潜在的申请人提供虚拟咨询预约(提供电话或Zoom). 预约可以在网上进行. 如果你想谈谈你的成绩单, 请确保在预约前至少24小时将它们发送给您选择的指导老师.

已提交当前周期申请的申请人应通过电话415与我们联系.780.2093或发邮件给我们 的问题.