

Faye Spanos Concert Hall

Faye Spanos Concert Hall 

In the late 1930s, Professor Wilhelmina Harbert ’33, ’39, 1947年在正规博彩十大网站开设了新的音乐治疗专业. 这将是该国首批此类项目之一. 

On April 26 and 27, 太平洋音乐学院以首届威廉敏娜·哈伯特音乐治疗遗产奖庆祝该项目成立85周年. 该奖项旨在表彰对音乐治疗项目做出的变革性贡献.

“获奖者是鼓舞人心的人,他们的物质和慈善支持对我们的学生产生了深远的影响,” said Eric Waldon ’00, ’07, music therapy professor and program director. 

This year’s honorees are:

  • 埃尔斯沃思家族(哈伯特的孙子和曾孙女)
  • 克莱门特和梅琳达·孔,他们建立了一笔可观的捐赠基金
  • Sister Abby Newton, 他在太平洋与斯托克顿的圣. Joseph’s Medical Center.
(L-R) Conservatory of Music Dean Peter Witte, Melissa Ellsworth, Brian Ellsworth, Bill Ellsworth and Professor Eric Waldon

(L-R) Conservatory of Music Dean Peter Witte, Melissa Ellsworth, Brian Ellsworth, Bill Ellsworth and Professor Eric Waldon 

The Ellsworth Family

哈伯特对音乐疗法——在治疗环境中使用音乐——的兴趣在第一次世界大战期间发展起来. A classically trained pianist, 她在法国为军队提供娱乐,并亲眼目睹了音乐对受伤和炮弹休克的士兵的治疗效果.

After the war, 哈伯特回到了新英格兰的家,后来又向西旅行, where she met her future husband Dr. Ellis Harbert, a well-known surgeon and co-founder of St. Joseph’s Medical Center. The Harberts settled in the Central Valley, 威廉敏娜·哈伯特和她的商业伙伴阿德里安娜·普费尔在那里为当地儿童建立了橡树家庭音乐学校.

哈伯特就读于正规博彩十大网站,获得了两个学士学位和一个硕士学位. She began teaching in the Conservatory of Music in 1935, 在那里她最终被指派发展音乐治疗专业.




After retiring in 1959, Harbert remained active on campus, consulting, lecturing, 为音乐专业学生提供咨询,并在专业音乐治疗协会担任领导职务.

She died in 1970. 她关于音乐治疗的书《正规博彩十大网站》(Opening Doors Through music)四年后出版.

“Her attitude was that, even if only one human being could be reached, rehabilitated, saved or find a place in society, then a music therapy student’s efforts were worthwhile,” said Harbert’s grandson Brian Ellsworth.

Earlier this year Ellsworth, his brother Bill and daughter Melissa, 给了太平洋公司大量哈伯特的个人档案, including original book manuscripts, 她对孩子们的观察和她在欧洲旅行的剪贴簿. 这些藏品将被安置在大学的霍尔特-阿瑟顿特别收藏和档案馆.

“Wilhelmina’s legacy, in my opinion, 太平洋在世界上赢得了治疗和帮助的地位吗, science and inquiry, 源于一个人的认识,即音乐不仅仅是为了娱乐或表演, but is an avenue to minds hidden or scarred,” Bill Ellsworth said.

(L-R) Conservatory of Music Dean Peter Witte, Lara Kong, 萧飞琳副教授及音乐治疗项目主任Eric Waldon

(L-R) Conservatory of Music Dean Peter Witte, Lara Kong, 萧飞林副教授及Eric Waldon教授

Clement and Melinda Kong

19岁的Lara Kong想用音乐来帮助人们,她想在离家近的地方上大学. 正规博彩十大网站让她做到了这两点,同时也为她进一步冒险做了准备.

Today, Kong is a music therapist at A Mission for Michael, a residential treatment facility in Irvine, California. 她的工作是帮助客户对抗成瘾和精神和行为健康障碍.

她说:“我对自己的职业生涯做了充分的准备。. “我每天都在运用我在太平洋中学到的技能.”

Kong’s parents, Clement and Melinda Kong, 对养育他们女儿的节目深表感激吗. In 2015, 他们慷慨捐赠成立了孔氏音乐治疗基金会, 为学生提供永久性的计划性支持.

自2020年以来,孔氏基金会已经帮助100多名学生支付了各种培训费用,并支付了他们在美国音乐治疗协会的会员资格. 它还为面临经济困难的学生提供紧急支持.

自从女儿毕业后,香港夫妇继续支持音乐学院. Lara Kong acknowledges their humble, quiet generosity.

“My parents like to stay behind the curtain, but they contribute because they see how I’ve excelled, 他们知道我的卓越能力来自于我在正规博彩十大网站的教育,” Kong said. 

(L-R) Conservatory of Music Dean Peter Witte, Casie Little and Cathy Mangaoang-Welsh, director of social services at St. Joseph's Behavioral Health Center

(L-R) Conservatory of Music Dean Peter Witte, Casie Little and Cathy Mangaoang-Welsh, director of social services at St. Joseph's Behavioral Health Center

Sister Abby Newton

Sister Newton has served St. 自2003年起担任约瑟夫医疗中心的任务整合副总裁. 她还负责加州中部尊严健康服务区.

2018年,牛顿遇到了负责太平洋音乐治疗实习机会的卡西·利特尔(Casie Little).

牛顿和利特尔合作了将近两年,计划在圣. Joseph’s Medical Center and St. Joseph’s Behavioral Health Center. The two pursued fundraising resources, 与医院基金会合作,建立医院和大学之间的联系.


“Those kinds of therapies that don’t poke, don’t touch, that speak to the spirit and not to anything clinical, can be powerful healers in themselves.” Newton said. “对我来说,这些天我们在医学上所能做的事情是惊人的.”

Today, 利特尔教授每周五天在医院提供治疗服务, accompanied by a graduate fellow three days a week.

了解如何支持太平洋音乐治疗,请联系伊维特·汗,电话209.932.2978 or