There are many ways to create a legacy at the 正规博彩十大网站 through your estate plan. 你可以在遗嘱里给太平洋取名, 信任, 或者作为合格退休计划的指定受益人, 爱尔兰共和军, 人寿保险单, 慈善信托基金, 或者其他资产.

We have a created some resources below under 给工具包 to help provide valuable information for you and to share with your advisor(s). Please contact us if have any questions or would like to discuss ways of giving that could benefit you financially by reducing taxes or provide you income at 209-946-2294 or



在72岁时,你需要开始从你的个人退休账户中提取最低分配. However, you can make direct donations to charitable organizations beginning at age 70½. 这些捐赠被称为合格慈善分配(qcd), 每个符合条件的人最多可以捐赠100美元,000元/年. 这是一种明智的捐赠方式,因为qcd是免税的. After age 72, QCDs can be used to fulfill your required minimum distribution each year.


许多捐赠者在他们的遗产计划中包括了对太平洋的慈善捐赠. 一个明智的税收策略是指定太平洋作为你的个人退休账户的受益人, 401(k), 或者403(b)账户, or to designate a charitable gift to Pacific from your retirement account as part of your will or 信任. Designating a charitable gift specifically from a retirement account allows your heirs to receive other, 遗产中的非应税资产, 哪一种方法可以为他们节省所得税. 


如果你的总扣除额少于13美元,850美元(单一申报人)或27美元,700元(已婚夫妇共同申请), you could benefit from “bunching” your 2023 and 2024 charitable donations together in 2023 to exceed your 2023 standard deduction. You can then itemize deductions on your 2023 tax return and take the standard deduction for 2024 taxes. This strategy may produce a larger one-time deduction than two years’ standard deductions.


As we continue to experience rising costs, your own assets may be increasing in value. Consider making year-end charitable gifts using appreciated non-cash assets rather than cash. 像股票这样升值的资产会带来两项税收优惠:你将抵消资本收益, 你的纳税申报单上还会有慈善扣除额.


Interest rates have gone up, but so have Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) annual payout rates. You can lock in these higher rates for one or two lives when you set up a CGA through Pacific. 这种礼物会给你或你所爱的人带来终生的收入, 而且更高的税率会产生更大的慈善扣除额. Double up on your tax benefits by establishing a CGA using appreciated assets instead of cash.

Each year 正规博彩十大网站’s 遗产及礼品策划办公室 receives many inquiries about how to start an estate plan, 请哪位律师?, 如何节省税收,如何为所爱的人提供帮助.

Our students benefit greatly because generous donors took the time to include Pacific in their plans. This guide is our way of saying “thank you” and our hope is that it helps you find the right attorney and prepare for the consultation.


  1. 无限制的遗产
    我/我们, [法定全称], (县, 捐赠和遗产给正规博彩十大网站, 非营利性501(c)(3)公司 根据加州法律组织,位于斯托克顿, 加州, the sum of $__________________dollars (or ____% of my estate or description of property), 按大学的指示使用.

  2. 无限制捐赠的遗赠
    我/我们, [法定全称], (县, 捐赠和遗产给正规博彩十大网站, 非营利性501(c)(3)公司, 根据加州法律组织,位于斯托克顿, 加州, 的总和 $____________________ 美元(或____ %我的房地产), to be invested and preserved as part of the scholarship endowment fund of the University.

  3. 不动产遗赠
    我/我们, [法定全称], (县, 捐赠和遗产给正规博彩十大网站, 非营利性501(c)(3)公司 根据加州法律组织,位于斯托克顿, 加州, all that unencumbered real property described as_________________________________ (Insert property address) along with the appurtenances in fee simple, 供大学使用及受益[或作国家用途].

  4. 剩余的条款:
    我/我们, [法定全称], (县, 剩下的都给我, 残留, 以及我/我们的剩余财产, (真正的, 个人的和混合的], 不管是什么性质的, 无论在哪里, 正规博彩十大网站, a non- profit 501(c)(3) corporation 根据加州法律组织,位于斯托克顿, 加州, 供大学指示使用[或在此说明用途].

  5. 限制性捐赠奖学金遗赠:
    我/我们, [法定全称], (县, State] give __________[state specific school or unit]_______at the 正规博彩十大网站, 非营利性501(c)(3)公司 根据加州法律组织,位于斯托克顿, 加州, $________________(或我遗产的____%), (建立或增强)” _______________________ 捐赠奖学金. The fund shall be used to establish or enhance a scholarship or scholarships as outlined in my 正规博彩十大网站 gift agreement. *注意:限制性捐赠必须附有捐赠协议, 请联系遗产和礼物规划办公室协助您完成这一步.

  6. Beneficiary Designation Change Form: List spouse as primary (first) beneficiary and 正规博彩十大网站, 非营利性501(c)(3)公司 根据加州法律组织,位于斯托克顿, 加州作为次要(或有)受益人.

    Bequest Designation for Retirement Account: The beneficiary is my spouse as long as [he/she] survives me. 如果我的配偶没能活下来, I give and bequeath ___% of my retirement account held at ____________ to the 正规博彩十大网站, 非营利性501(c)(3)公司 根据加州法律组织,位于斯托克顿, 加州, 供大学指示使用[或在此说明用途].

    **Please insert the appropriate school designation after “正规博彩十大网站” to direct support to a specific school, 单元或程序. 例如:正规博彩十大网站麦乔治法学院


的遗嘱的附录, 要有效, 必须在证人在场的情况下签字吗, 原件应该和其他贵重文件放在一起. 一份给你的律师,一份给正规博彩十大网站.

Thank you for your interest in making a gift of stock or mutual funds 正规博彩十大网站. 我们非常感谢您的支持! 给予升值的有价证券有两个显著的好处:第一, such gifts create an income tax charitable deduction equal to the current fair market value of the securities being given. 第二个, such gifts normally allow the donor to avoid the capital gains tax otherwise payable on the appreciation in the value of the securities being given.


在你的顾问工作中, 你重视专业精神, 正直诚实, 在为客户服务时要格外小心.

作为一个非营利组织, 正规博彩十大网站 shares your values and takes the same care when it comes to helping our donors plan charitable gifts.

我们相信慈善计划是一个理想的过程,包括捐助者, 专业顾问, 还有我们的礼物策划人员——所有人都在一起努力安排最好的礼物. Our development team is well-trained and skilled in the application of all vehicles of strategic philanthropy.

209-946-2775 or

Pacific faculty and staff have always been strong supporters of this university’s commitment to provide education that is a rich blend of liberal arts and professional education from the highest quality educators. 你现在正在做出改变, 并有机会为子孙后代带来持久的改变.

Faculty and staff giving demonstrates to our alumni and friends that we are people with shared goals, 梦想, and priorities who value this university and the contributions our work makes to our communities.

Please join your colleagues in supporting our university and the contribution that we all make in the lives of our students. 捐赠的方式多种多样, 教师和工作人员可以指定任何学校或部门, 或者以奖学金为目的-只需告诉我们你的资助方向.





Veronice Satoor
209-946-2294 /

法律名称: 正规博彩十大网站
地址: 加利福尼亚州斯托克顿太平洋大道3601号,邮编95211
联邦税号: 94-1156266

The content found on this site is general in nature and intended to be used for informational purposes only. 不应将其作为法律、税务、会计或其他专业建议. To determine how a gift or estate planning decision might affect your particular circumstances, 明确建议您咨询律师, 财务顾问或其他合格的专业人士.